LingUU Volume 6, Issue 1

Volume 6, Issue 1

May 2022

Read our publication announcement with a summary of every contribution here or order a printed copy here.

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Rendl, L. (2022). Language as a Tool of Embodiment: a case study of inclusive and gender-neutral writings in French. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 4-17.

Rijlaarsdam, C. (2022). Categorizing disagreements in the SNLI Corpus: an exploratory study. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 18-28.

Irmawati, M., Remijnse, L., and Gunal, A. (2022). Dutch-English cognates and word class do not facilitate the processing of intra-sentential switches: a critical replication study. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 29-38.

Vinke, J. (2022). Voice and Length in Dutch Fricatives. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 39-53.

Zimianiti, E. (2022). Is semantic memory the winning component in second language teaching with Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM)?. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 54-62.

Intern Extern

Zimianiti, E., van den Berg, M., and Reshetnikova, V. (2022). Research Internships in Times of a Global Pandemic, Part 3. LingUU Journal, 6(1), pp. 63-65.

The Daily Linguist

Recommendations for linguistics students. Read it here (pp. 66).