FAQs by Authors

Do you also publish papers that do not specifically fit into the categories of abroad, research articles, and book reviews?
If we can fit it into one of the categories with a bit of creative thinking, a lot is possible. If you wrote a literature review or essay of some sort, for example, we can treat it as a research paper.

Can I submit a research proposal for publication in LingUU?
Of course. LingUU is a student journal; no one expects you to have done a complete research. Research proposals have a proper chance at being published.

If I publish in LingUU, will this affect my chances of being published elsewhere at a later stage?
Publishing (in LingUU as well as any other journal) is serious business: the same paper cannot be published in two journals. Journal editors will reject a submission when they find it somewhere else. However, a publication in LingUU – of an early version of your work – will give you the opportunity to get feedback from fellow linguists and submit a more complete and refined story in another journal at a later stage in your academic career. A rough indication of the allowed overlap: about 25 to 30 percent can be shared between two publications.

Can I submit a paper for publication while I am also a reviewer?
Yes, of course you can. The reviewing process is double-blinded, so you operate completely independently of the editorial board and the author. When you decide to submit a manuscript, of course we make sure you are not assigned as a reviewer to your own paper.

FAQs by Reviewers

Am I supposed to correct typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in manuscripts?
No, you are a reviewer, not an editor. You are supposed to judge the manuscripts on its structure, contents, relevance, and language in general. When you see many mistakes, you should inform the author so they can proofread it (again) themselves. Of course, if you consider a paper publishable besides a few typos or other mistakes, you can mention those.

What if I recognize the author of the paper?
If you are sure that you can still write an objective review, there is no problem. If you have any doubts, please contact us.