We are so happy that we have published LingUU 7.2! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the journal. To our authors, please know that your hard word has now been immortalised and that we are grateful that you entrusted us with your research! The authors can be found below. Enjoy!
Auteur: Raemon van Geen
LingUU 8.0 is out now!
We are so happy that we have published LingUU 7.2! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the journal. To our authors, please know that your hard word has now been immortalised and that we are grateful that you entrusted us with your research! The authors can be found below. Enjoy!
LingUU 8.0 is klaar!
Met trots vertellen wij dat LingUU 8.0 is gepubliceerd. Graag bedanken wij iedereen die een steentje heeft bijgedragen aan het tijdschrijft. Auteurs, wij zijn zo blij dat wij jullie werk naar buiten mogen brengen. Hieronder is de lijst te zien met de auteurs. Veel leesplezier!
LingUU 7.2 is out now!
We are so happy that we have published LingUU 7.2! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the journal. To our authors, please know that your hard word has now been immortalised and that we are grateful that you entrusted us with your research! The authors can be found below. Enjoy!
We are so happy that we have published LingUU 7.2! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the journal. To our authors, please know that your hard work has now been immortalised and that we are grateful that you entrusted us with your research! The authors can be found below. Enjoy!
LingUU 7.2 is klaar!
Met trots vertellen wij dat LingUU 7.2 is gepubliceerd. Graag bedanken wij iedereen die een steentje heeft bijgedragen aan het tijdschrijft. Auteurs, wij zijn zo blij dat wij jullie werk naar buiten mogen brengen. Hieronder is de lijst te zien met de auteurs. Veel leesplezier!